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Performance Horses | Tommy Thompson CowHorses

Performance Horses

Here’s where you’ll find all our performance horses for sale. Head horses, Heel horses, Cowhorses, Reiners, Cutters, Barrel horses and more!
Tommy Thompson Cowhorses has great horses for sale at all times! We also guarantee our horses!
If you have any questions please feel free to call/text, email, or contact us through our Facebook business page!
(661) 496-8729
Please follow us on Instagram @CaCowhorse and subscribe to our YouTube channel for great sale horse and training videos. 
 We are always updating! More pictures, info, and videos will be available very soon!
Sale horses last updated on 10/25/2021
$ = < $5,000
$$ = $5,001 – $10,000
$$$ = $10,001 – $20,000
$$$$ = $20,001+
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