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“Willy” aka Wright Jazzy

Here’s a gelding for those wanting – and can handle – a race car for the price of a Honda… “Willy” aka Wright Jazzy is a 5 year old gelding by Lenas Wright On out of an earning CowHorse mare by Im Full of Pep (by Peppy San Badger) who’s dam was a Doc O Lena daughter. Willy is one of those quirky, sensitive and lightning quick Cowhorses that aren’t for everyone. All of the Lenas Wright On’s we’ve had here have been this type of horse. He is not a bronc, hot, or overly spooky, no rear, run off, etc but his intensely cowy nature makes him a little watchy on the trail and when you are on a cow you better keep your eyes on it, or when he goes with the cow you might be left wheels spinning in the air… like when Wile E. Coyote runs off the cliff after the road runner. He’s pretty sure that a new person getting on him is going to go for the throat and eat him but when you’re the one that rides him frequently, that leaves. This guy is behind as a cow horse but well broke, all his parts moves, soft faced, wants to stop, been on the flag and cattle a lot, would make a dandy if someone wanted to put the time in for a CowHorse or cutter. He’d make a cool high caliber penner/sorter, barrel horse or any other performance type horse for an experienced rider. He has no vices or soundness issues. Stands about 14.2 and still has a lot of filling out to do. Located near bakersfield Ca. Shipping/delivery available at buyers expense.