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Helpful Hints | Tommy Thompson CowHorses

Helpful Hints

I have decided to add a page with some helpful videos for training and keeping your horse solid. Check them out!
If you have any questions please feel free to call/text, email, or contact us through our Facebook business page!
(661) 496-8729
Please follow us on Instagram @CaCowhorse and subscribe to our YouTube channel for great sale horse and training videos.



Training Position on the Sled and Brideless Roping

Here’s a quick training video on teaching a horse to rate and maintain position on a cow on their own using the RopeSmart Switch. This is a just turned 3 year old filly by our stallion, Famoso Starlight with 30-45 days riding on her, started here in our program.



Utilizing the Counter-Canter for Rope Horses

Here’s a quick tip on how I utilize the counter canter for training rope horses. Team roping is becoming increasingly competitive and having maneuvers like these on your horse is one way to set you a part from the competition. Contact me for lessons, training and horses for sale.