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Clay Ullery | Tommy Thompson CowHorses

Clay Ullery


Clay Ullery

Clay Ullery is our co-trainer, friend, and part of the family around here at TTCH. Clay is an elite pro-rodeo header and high-numbered heeler; he is a superb young horseman and a phenomenal trainer – well beyond his age! Tommy and Clay merged their skillsets because both possessed skills the other wanted. The outcome is a solid horsemanship program that contains the crucial parts from both of their experience and expertise – one that works from start to finish to create willing, broke horses who exhibit a superior work ethic and thorough understanding of how to read a cow and deal with pressure. This style of training works consistently on all types of horse personalities and for each horse’s individual potential… whether it’s for a low-number jackpot horse, or an NFR horse.

What sets our program and horses above the rest?

  • Experience in both rodeo and horse show arenas
  • We do not skip steps or rush horses faster than they can handle.
  • An actual understanding of the mechanics of the sport, as well as how a horse thinks and experiences emotions.
  • We start with a superior product to build.
  • Our number one priority is for our horses to be solid in the box and safe to ride.
  • Each part of the pattern is broken down and our horses know them thoroughly – this gives the roper total control!
  • Our horses are trained with reining and cow horse maneuvers. This makes them a pleasure to ride and easy to maneuver at any time.
  • Because of this foundation, the horses’ performance can be easily maintained… which ensures a long-lasting partnership!


Just a few of Clay’s accomplishments:

Currently sitting 2nd in the world for 2020 PRCA standings!

2020 Qualifier for The American

2020 – Ft. Worth Stock Show and Rodeo Champion

2019 – Maple Leaf Circuit Finals Winner

2017 – Northlands Rope Horse Futurity Incentive Champion

2017 – Manitoba Rope Horse Futurity Breeders Incentive Champion

Canadian Pro Rodeo Head Horse of the Year (trained, owned & ridden by Clay)

3 x Showdown Qualifier (2012, 2016, 2019)

6x Qualifier to the Canadian Finals Rodeo (CFR)

Multiple CFR Go-Round Wins

2013 CFR Average Champion

On the road to the NFR…

Jan 2020

Denver  – 8th place

Ft. Worth – Average Champion and won two go-rounds

Feb 2020

Tuscon – won two go rounds and placed in the average 

Qualified for The American Slack 

Qualified for The American Semi-Finals

Qualified for The American perfs