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Tommy builds versatile and exceptional rope, show and using horses with a mix of traditional vaquero and contemporary methods. Our business has recently made a move more towards rope horses, but we decided to keep “Cowhorses” in the name and in the product. Why? A Cowhorse, in our opinion, is a horse you want to go catch in the morning; he can do a full days’ work without a tie down or let him balance on it and he’ll take you to the pay window. A horse you can sort cattle on… rope, doctor, brand, he can do anything that keeps the ranch running. A horse that – after a long week’s work – is still your first choice to go enjoy on the weekend. A Cowhorse has the ability to do a job with a cow, and do it well. He will let you move his parts and can maneuver in any way that’s needed to control a cow – whether that’s in the herd, down the fence, or with a rope in hand. Tommy also has proven very successful at building barrel horses – with horses he’s trained winning some big events like Fort Smith. TTCH often has gentle riding horses for sale, we are often in the market for gentle, attractive horses and we offer consignment to help you sell your horse if it meets our standards! Tommy coaches ropers of all levels on horsemanship, and is a great instructor for beginners towards success in the roping arena. He is still available for help with non-pro and/or youth riders towards success in the show pen as well, and as gives lessons for all types of riding. Tommy uses Dorrence-style colt starting techniques and takes horses in training of any age, breed or discipline. He is also available to give clinics at home or away. Feel free to give us a call, text, email or message on Facebook or Instagram if you have any questions or comments!
McKay Taylor
"We had a great week on him!!! We sure love him! ...I wish I had 10 more of him!"
McKay Taylor and "Rev" won the ACTRA Super 7 which paid over $20,000! Rev was my personal horse that we substituted for my sale horse, "Rocky," in 2021 The Horse Sale at Rancho Rio when he broke his leg 4 days before the sale.
Ricky F.
I have personally worked and roped with Clay Ullery and Tommy Thompson at TTCH, they have a well developed program, ranging from low to high numbered horses. I cannot wait to see what the future holds for this team. Congratulations Clay Ullery!
Samantha S.
Hi! my name's Samantha, my husband and I bought a border collie puppy from you about 2 years ago. She's out of your female "Rosie". She honestly has been the best working dog we have ever had, and we are looking to get another one and we're wondering if you plan on having any more litters? Thanks!
Wendy O’Dell
Just wanted to let you know how much I am enjoying Nacho... he is really a cool horse & it is working out great 👏 I entered a couple of little jackpots at different arenas the past couple of days & it went very well. You did a great job with him & the more I get to rope on him and ride him right the better we are going to do! Thanks again for doing so many things right with him, I will reap the benefits of all your time & effort for years to come. He gets along great with my other gelding, so he lives in a big 60x100 pen with him & really seems relaxed and happy!I think he is a special one for sure & I don’t take those type for granted... I feel very blessed to have him 💗 Thanks again & talk with you soon.
Britnee Balzan
Hi Tommy, I just wanted you to know how much I love 'Chip'. I call him Blondie and he has become such a joy. He is everything and more I hoped for. Everyone at the ranch is jealous and they keep trying to take him from me. 😊 Thank you so much for your help and patience in my purchase.
Dyan Hall
I had my first lesson with Tommy Thompson. Kay Gerfen went with me. Fun, Fun, Fun. Tommy gave me my first ever lesson on how to box a cow. That was a kick in the pants. We worked on our turn around and lope offs. Dinner at Teresa's in Wasco. Home before 9pm. I call that a successful day. Thank you Tommy and Kay.
Krista Williams
Big thank you to Tommy Thompson. He truly understands what it takes to make a winning run. How to teach you to use your horse to there best ability. After 2 lessons, (not coming out of a walk btw) My little horse ran within one 10th of the leader last weekend placing in the 1D. Anyone can run the pattern but I want to thank you for helping me become a better horsemen. I know we are just scratching the surface and I can't wait to see where we are by the end of the season.
Jan Adams Martin
Thanks for your super helpful day at @circlekstablesthousandoaks! Everyone was talking about all the simple, successful fixes you offered for their everyday problems. Can't wait until your next visit.
Roseanne Carr Atkinson
Ann Bucholtz
I bought a beautiful gelding from Tommy in 2014. He is a great horse, healthy sound, a best friend and all I could ever have hoped for. I love Blondie Boy to death and am so grateful he is in my life. Thank you Tommy for making it possible.
"I took lessons from Tommy last winter, once per week for about two months. Very good teacher. I learned tons of new things, especially in the more advance part of showing or preparing a horse to do his maneuvers correctly. I will surely do it again. Best time I ever spent on myself."
"Tommy and Megan transported my two year old filly long distance and it was great. My young horse was well taken care of as if it was their own horse. I highly recommend TTCH for their professionalism and extensive knowledge of horses."
Jeanine DiCesaris Kraybill
A year ago my husband and I rescued a wild mule. After many attempts to find someone willing to train her and us, I finally was connected with Tommy. Unlike other trainers who would not take on a mule, he said he would take a look at her. Well, to make a long story short we just completed over a month's worth of training and she looks and is doing great. We are getting more comfortable with her and can finally put a face halter and lead on her (yes we are novices). Tommyand his staff were friendly, professional and so patient with us. He also said I could reach out to him in the future if I have more questions--which I am sure we will. My neighbor told me he was the best when I shared with them that he was going to help us, she sure wasn't kidding! Tommy you are awesome and we look forward to working with you more in the future--thanks for training all three us
Dyan Raymond Hall
I received my results from the Dry River Reining Club show held February 23. I placed first in my first Boxing class. Thank you Tommy Thompson Cow Horses for helping me prepare.